

Your one-stop-shop for Rock, Mulch, or Soil

How to find the square footage of a square or rectangular area of land

Calculate the square footage of a square or rectangle by multiplying its length by its width.

length x width = area

3 feet long x 15 feet wide = 45 square feet total

If you have a strangely shaped area, measure in rectangles to get your measurements.

Landscape product calculation | Wesley Chapel, FL


Loading and Delivery Information

Bulk Material and Bagged Pallet Products are loaded using a forklift or a loader with a bucket.

Please note:  One-Stop Landscape Supply and its associates do not claim any responsibility for damage to customer property; loading material is solely at the risk of the consumer which is assumed upon entering One-Stop Landscape Supply Property.

One-Stop Landscape Supply is not responsible for damage that may result in loading your vehicle. Rocks can chip paint or bounce and break windows. If this is a concern, we offer delivery services as an alternative.

Bulk Landscape Rock

Stepping Stones

Bagged Mulch

Bulk Mulch

Bagged Soil

Bulk Soil

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